Are there any APIs that would allow a supplier - in the context of a doctor using an online consultation app - to register a patient at a practice using an API?
I know this has been asked before but my boss tells me a new announcement has been made recently. I can’t find any reference to one.
I am aware of the Register With a GP Surgery service and API-in-development, but neither seem to offer a direct registration API without manual intervention for non-NHS suppliers.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Rob,
Thank you for your question
The PDS FHIR API does not currently support registering a new patient at a GP practice. This functionality is handled via the NHAIS GP Links system (
I am not aware of any recent announcements that would change this situation, but if you have additional details or specific requirements, feel free to share them, and I’ll do my best to assist.
Best regards,
Kitty Shen
Many thanks Kitty, much appreciated, Rob.