Question on the f_lookup_VirProdPresStatInfoType table from the DM+D which provides the following categories for a VMP item:
- 0001|Valid as a prescribable product
- 0002|Invalid to prescribe in NHS primary care
- 0003|Not prescribable as a VMP but AMP prescribable
- 0004|Never Valid To Prescribe As A VMP
- 0005|Not Recommended To Prescribe As A VMP
- 0009|Caution - AMP level prescribing advised
We’re recommended to filter out all items except those that fall into 0001 and 0009 by the DM+D guide.
Should this also be inferred for AMP items by joining the VMP table on VPID? Or can VMP items such as dermol wash be prescribed at an AMP level where the VMP is classed as 0004?
Thank you for your query. I will check this with our DM&D colleagues at NHS England and get back to you shortly.
Hello - just an update to say apologies for the delay we’ve had quite a few people off on leave due to the bank holiday weekend last week and it’s peak school holiday period. We’ll get back to you with a response soon.
I am assuming you are referring to the dm+d Implementation Guide (Primary Care).
The guide indeed advises that a prescribing status (PRES_STATCD) should be either 1 or 9, but this is from an intermediate table that is called “dmd_product”. “dmd_product” is an amalgamation of VMP and AMP data, see section “6.0 Generating a Primary Care Products Entity (dmd_product)”, of the above document (page 44), on how to create the intermediate table “dmd_product”.
A quick summary: the first pseudo code section is a union statement of which the first section is returning the AMPs this code forces the PRES_STATCD to be 1, even though the VMP has a different code, therefore if you implement this section your AMPs of “Dermol …” will be returned in the picking list as they will have a prescribing status (PRES_STATCD) of 1.
If you are having any further issues, please message back.
That clarifies a lot. Thank you.
Glad to hear that helped
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