i am new on NHS Digital .
we have some clients (GP SURGRIES ) who want us to Develop/upgrade their websites .
as we never worked for any NHS related projects, not sure about following
1- if we were to use on new GP surgery website appointment/prescription system link to to divert it to EMIS Patient Access page . for this, do we need to get any sort of permission form anywhere , if so, please guide us.
2- or is there any API has to use , if so again, which one to use and how to get permissions etc.
NOTE: we do not want to access any direct patient’s data at all.
kind Regards
Hello meraki-tech-solution,
We had a similar enquiry come in regarding
Enquiry: “We are looking at GP connect in EMIS it seems to be readily available for appointment booking as well as a send document function to get summary back to patients home practice. I understand that GP’s can also issue acute scripts as well.”
Response: “This is definitely available EMIS to TPP, TPP to EMIS. If you want to send from other systems they will need to develop a sender.”
Additional Information: you could use document consultation summary, which sends a consultation summary back to the registered GP, which is available now! https://simplifier.net/guide/gp-connect-send-document/Home?version=2.0.0-public-beta (2.0 is the new specification but consultation summary has been fully rolled out on the old specification https://simplifier.net/guide/gp-connect-send-document/Home?version=1.3.2-public-beta
Soft launch of the GP connect data sharing arrangement was last week – and our transparency pages https://digital.nhs.uk/services/gp-connect
Hello meraki-tech-solution,
Here is some more detailed refinement.
The specifications for GP connect are developed by EMIS and TPP but are not really designed to be on practice websites. Our GP connect web pages has transparency information that is more suitable. National Data Sharing Arrangement for GP Connect - NHS Digital
The patient facing apis and specifications are aimed at the new market entrant GP systems to develop to GP connect, EMIS and TPP are currently using the legacy APIs IM1 (not GP connect ) for patient facing. Explaining this complexity on practice websites might confuse patients. It is thought that all patient facing apis will be using GP connect later next year potentially.
GP connect is by clinicians for direct care, as detailed in the link.
we don’t want to access EMIS at all. What we are going to do is to make a couple of websites for GP surgeries, and we only want to use “following direct link” on the new GP surgery website
Log in to Patient Access?
do we need any permission for this ? If yes, how and where to get that permission ?
kind regards
Hello meraki-tech-solution
As I understand your request is a redirect to a login page, and no access to patient data is sought, I do no believe there is any special permission.