RelatedPerson Test Data on Int

Is their a list of Patients which have RelatedPersons?


It lists a series of test patients, I presume some of those have related persons.

This is similar to Leeds Teaching Trusts request here: RelatedPersons test data

Only after a couple of NHS Numbers.

Try this one Kev 9730906181. I had this one setup in INT for testing… 2 next of kin and 2 carers

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Many thanks for that.

Did you come to a conclusion on the mapping, I’m going to double check but it’s looking like a clear fault with PDS RelatedPerson API.

What is in RelatedPerson.patient is the NHS Number of the RelatedPerson.

Nope never got to a conclusion. I agree with you that it is the incorrect NHS number in the RelatedPerson.patient.

Hi both,

This is a known issue and has been placed on the team’s backlog. For your reference it is ticket SPINEDEM-2649.