PDS API RelatedPerson.identifier uses incorrect system for NHS Number

We are testing use of PDS API to retrieve RelatedPerson resources from the INT environment. For example: GET https://int.api.service.nhs.uk/personal-demographics/FHIR/R4/Patient/9449305889/RelatedPerson

As expected, this returns a Bundle containing a RelatedPerson resource. However, the referenced patient uses an incorrect identifier system for NHS Number:

  "patient": {
    "identifier": {
      "system": "https://beta.api.digital.nhs.uk",
      "value": "9651181834"
    "reference": "https://beta.api.digital.nhs.uk/Patient/9651181834",
    "type": "Patient"

The identifier.system should be https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhs-number.

This was reported and acknowledged as a fault more than 6 months ago.

Do you have an update on if/when it will be resolved?

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The “reference” entry is not necessary. The NHS Number is in the url and the identifier section should suffice. This would be consistent with other API’s on the platform.

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NHS API Management team let me know that this fault has been added to the backlog as ticket SPINEDEM-1026 but it’s not expected to be resolved in the immediate future.

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