I have a question regarding a scenario where a referral is rejected. At what point when the referral is updated and Triage is requested again should it appear on a worklist. We had a situation where a provider downloaded a referral, rejected it, the referrer then updated the referral, attached a referral letter and re-requested Triage. The referral did not appear on the worklist until hours later.
These dates/times are examples but similar to the actual:
21-Aug-2024 15:00 UBRN Issued
21-Aug-2024 15:02 Create Request
21-Aug-2024 15:02 Request Triage
21-Aug-2024 16:00 Add referral letter
22-Aug-2024 09:02 Record Triage outcome (this is where it was downloaded and rejected by the provider following a worklist query)
22-Aug-2024 11:20 Modify referral letter
22-Aug-2024 15:00 Request Triage
At 8am approx on the 23rd when performing a worklist query, the UBRN did not appear despite Triage being requested. When the worklist was downloaded later in the day (e.g. 2pm) it did appear on the worklist. Could someone possibly explain why that may not have appeared on the worklist at 8am on the 23rd?