The code @ Message Exchange for Social Care and Health (MESH) API - NHS Digital isn’t valid python3 (that’s not how you do an import) and contains typos, and no actual output.
Here is a corrected version. Save it to a file and run it.
Expected output:
NHSMESH XXX5555:6f732ccc-8c6f-4c9b-a22d-2f42978550ad:0:202308251028:026e8d63f07be7ad3606e4c5262b3c954dfd6b7697cbf2e34ae3646862cd3d0f
""" Python code to generate a valid authorization header. """
import hmac
import uuid
import datetime
import hashlib
AUTHSCHEMANAME = "NHSMESH " # Note: Space at the end of the schema.
SHARED_KEY = "tbc" # Note: Don't hard code your passwords in a real implementation.
def build_auth_header(mailbox_id: str, password: str = "password", nonce: str = None, nonce_count: int = 0):
""" Generate MESH Authorization header for mailboxid. """
#Generate a GUID if required.
if not nonce:
nonce = str(uuid.uuid4())
#Current time formatted as yyyyMMddHHmm
#for example, 4th May 2020 13:05 would be 202005041305
timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M")
#for example, NHSMESH AMP01HC001:bd0e2bd5-218e-41d0-83a9-73fdec414803:0:202005041305
hmac_msg = mailbox_id + ":" + nonce + ":" + str(nonce_count) + ":" + password + ":" + timestamp
#HMAC is a standard crypto hash method built in the python standard library.
hash_code = hmac.HMAC(SHARED_KEY.encode(), hmac_msg.encode(), "sha256").hexdigest()
return (
AUTHSCHEMANAME # Note: No colon between 1st and 2nd elements.
+ mailbox_id + ":"
+ nonce + ":"
+ str(nonce_count) + ":"
+ timestamp+ ":"
+ hash_code
print ( build_auth_header( "XXX5555","klshdf09w734","6f732ccc-8c6f-4c9b-a22d-2f42978550ad" ) )