Having issue in A016 - Book or defer appointment API

Hello e-RS Team,

We have created a referral with the triage service and are now trying to use the A016 - Book or Defer Appointment API for a “triage deferral.” We are sending the following request body:
“id”: “appointment”,
“meta”: {
“profile”: [
FHIR Reference Server eRS-Appointment-1”,
HL7 UK FHIR Reference Server
“language”: “en”,
“resourceType”: “Appointment”,
“status”: “proposed”,
“reason”: [
“coding”: [
“system”: “FHIR Reference Server eRS Review Reason”,
“code”: “TRIAGE”
“description”: “e-Referral Appointment”,
“incomingReferral”: [
“reference”: “ReferralRequest/000049788548/_history/6”
“participant”: [
“actor”: {
“identifier”: {
“system”: “http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/ers-service”,
“value”: “6709626”
“status”: “accepted”
“actor”: {
“identifier”: {
“system”: “http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/nhs-number”,
“value”: “9728338449”
“status”: “accepted”

However, we are receiving the following error:
“statusCode”: 422,
“message”: “‘service’ (6709626) does not relate to a Service on the Shortlist”
Could you please help us understand why we are encountering this error?


From the error response included it looks like the service you are trying to defer to is not on the ReferralRequest’s current shortlist. The current shortlist of a ReferralRequest is included as a contained resource which is referenced by the Extension-eRS-ReferralShortlist. To be able to defer the ReferralRequest to a service, it must be included within the shortlist and support either the TRIAGE_REQUEST or APPOINTMENT_REQUEST request flow depending on the type of deferral being created.

Hope this helps,