Having error in A016 - Book or defer appointment API

Hello e-RS Team,

We have created a referral with the triage service and are now trying to use the A016 - Book or Defer Appointment API for a “triage deferral.” We are sending the following request body:
“id”: “appointment”,
“meta”: {
“profile”: [
FHIR Reference Server eRS-Appointment-1”,
HL7 UK FHIR Reference Server
“language”: “en”,
“resourceType”: “Appointment”,
“status”: “proposed”,
“reason”: [
“coding”: [
“system”: “FHIR Reference Server eRS Review Reason”,
“code”: “TRIAGE”
“description”: “e-Referral Appointment”,
“incomingReferral”: [
“reference”: “ReferralRequest/000049788548/_history/6”
“participant”: [
“actor”: {
“identifier”: {
“system”: “http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/ers-service”,
“value”: “6709626”
“status”: “accepted”
“actor”: {
“identifier”: {
“system”: “http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/nhs-number”,
“value”: “9728338449”
“status”: “accepted”

However, we are receiving the following error:
“statusCode”: 422,
“message”: “‘service’ (6709626) does not relate to a Service on the Shortlist”
“statusCode”: 422,
“message”: “‘clinician’ (6709699) does not match the slot”
Sometimes we receive this error and sometimes not
Could you please help us understand why we are encountering this error?

Hi @supplier,

“statusCode”: 422,
“message”: “‘service’ (6709626) does not relate to a Service on the Shortlist”

This error indicates that you are attempting to book/defer Service 6709626 (using A016) but Service 6709626 was not shortlisted when the referral was created (using A011).

“statusCode”: 422,
“message”: “‘clinician’ (6709699) does not match the slot”

This error occurs only when booking a slot, not when deferring to triage.

This error indicates that that you are attempting to book a slot with a named clinician, however the Slot selected does not have a named clinician.

Slots with a named clinician will have an http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/sds-user-id identifier in the Slots related Schedule in the A015 response.

