I am prashant chourasiya software developer from OX.DH.
our registered mail id is : supplier@oxdh.health.
we need to get approval from your side for the following API’S are :
- Electronic Prescription.
- E-referral
- Spine Directory
- Booking and Referral
I have already requested by the portal. but now it’s show pending approval.
I want to know when you will approve our request.
Prashant Chourasiya
Hi Prashant,
Thank you for getting in touch.
As stated in the ‘Onboarding’ section for each of these “The onboarding process can sometimes be quite long, so it’s worth planning well ahead.” Unfortunately, we won’t be able to provide a timescale for this as they are not handled by 1 team.
Hey @supplier.
I wonder if you could provide me a link to the portal you mention? As @haroon.ahmed12 says, that’s a fairly big shopping list and there’s a fair bit we need to do to bring them all in to one place, which we haven’t completed yet. I want to make sure you haven’t ended up in some sort of dead end?