Error-Encountered in Prescription Update API - 400 R-0008

Dear NHS Team,

We are currently encountering an issue while running the Prescription Update API" ```$process-message#prescription-order-update

**Error Code**: R-0008
**Description**: Prescription or item not found.

We have cross-checked and verified that both the **Prescription ID** and **Medication Request ID** are accurate and consistent with the data being submitted. Despite this, the API continues to return the R-0008 error.

Could you please assist us in identifying the root cause of this issue or advise on any additional checks we may need to perform?

Hello - Please can you clarify if you are looking at the ‘’ sandbox? or something else as I know you are going through the onboarding process at the moment for EPS FHIR?

As communicated in the platforms-apim-ox_dh channel on Slack, a ticket has been raised to resolve your query. Ref: ONB-771