We’ve had the following query raised via email:
Can I confirm whether we would be able to automatically connect to the Welsh Demographic Service as this document suggests or do we have to do anything further on our side to enable lookups against the Welsh Demographic Service?
The Demographics team has advised:
Basically, no.
The HL7v3 API employs the message set contained in the Message Implementation Manual (MIM), which is the basis for becoming Spine Compliant using that API.
This not the same as becoming compliant to connect to the Welsh Demographic Service (WDS). I’m not sure what message set that uses, you would have to contact The Welsh about that.
To get in touch about making use of the WDS, please contact Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) using the information on Contact us - Digital Health and Care Wales (nhs.wales).
For general enquiries they advise:
To make a general enquiry or to give DHCW feedback about our services, you can:
- call 02920 500500
- use our feedback form
We welcome contact in Welsh and English.
Could I ask who (which organisation) asked this question?
I’m working on a project for DHCW/NHS Wales which is looking at English/Welsh interoperability.
My contact details are
Digital Health and Care Wales/ Iechyd a Gofal Digidol Cymru kevin.mayfiedl@airelogic.co.uk
Hi Kevin,
This question came from a colleague from inhealthcare www.inhealthcare.co.uk.
I’ll share your contact details with them.