Tony is aware of this request and asked to post the correlation ID here:
Correlation ID: 0f6bcf3a-045c-4499-9210-8f521c587e65
I sent a request at: Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:51:55 GMT
Tony is aware of this request and asked to post the correlation ID here:
Correlation ID: 0f6bcf3a-045c-4499-9210-8f521c587e65
I sent a request at: Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:51:55 GMT
FYI (however picks this up) - its a 422 error also. Checks of the app id look okay, but I mentioned the PDS element being missing from the app and asid needs looking at (possibly separately) - Will is aware of that. (I emailed BJSS with a little more context earlier)
Hi Will,
You should have received the following in the error section of the json returned
error: { [-]
content: {"meta":{"profile":[""]},"resourceType":"OperationOutcome","issue":[{"severity":"error","code":"business-rule","details":{"coding":[{"code":"NO_RELATIONSHIP","system":"","display":"No relationship"}]},"diagnostics":"No legitimate relationship with referral (<ubrn redacted>)."}]}
error: com.apigee.flow.message.MessageImpl@753f3704
This suggests that the organisation associated with your request doesn’t have a legitimate relationship with the referral you requested.
As this seems to be a request made of production, please be careful when posting logs here, I have redacted the UBRN from the error message. Thanks.
The request came from Application ID 833deaed-86ed-4799-bf36-9291673cdbee
which has the Organisation ODS Code configured as RC9
Would you expect that referral to have a legitimate relationship with RC9?
@tony.marsh1 FYI
That’s exactly what we get. The referral we tested is referred to a pathway on the provider service so should indeed have a relationship. Hence why we raised the query with yourselves. I provided the OperationOutcome when we had an online session last week. This happened the first time that we were onboarded by NHSD and it was determined that there was some issue with the ASID assignment. We several referrals that a clinician at RC9 worked with us to test with.
Hi @will.maw,
Can you confirm what the state of the given referral is?
Can you confirm if the referral is booked or deferred to a service at the providing organisation RC9? (There are other scenarios that would given an LR but this is the most common.)
hi Adam, I’ll reach out to the clinician and feedback.
Hi @steve.williams10 ,
I discussed with the clinician and the referrals have been Accepted on a Triage pathway at the RC9 org so there definitely should be a relationship still. It affects all the referrals at RC9, what can we do to troubleshoot this?
Hi @will.maw,
For the referral in question it appears the Record Triage Outcome operation was performed by a user at RC1 (although we would need further access to confirm this - see below).
However, the access we have is limited without having an official incident to investigate this under.
To investigate this further please raise an incident via the NHS national service desk.
@andrew.clayton3 FYI
If I raise an incident and provide the number can you start your investigation?
@adam.oldfield I have already raised a case under: CS0929695
@adam.oldfield according to the ODS lookup RC1 is defunct since 2020.
Yes once it is assigned to us we can do.
Yes I noticed this too. We can double check once we can get privileged access to the data.
Will - apologies I closed case CS0929695 following our EMails earlier as that case said it relates to PDS only and you advised that the PDS was resolved. Please can you raise one for the residual RC9/422 issue
Case number: CS0936595
Hi @adam.oldfield @andrew.clayton3 Is there any news on the investigation?
Will – hi – did you fix the RC1 issue that Adam advised you about?
We are now looking into the date to establish what Legitimate Relationships should be in place.
From Will 14/01/25:
I don’t think this is for us to fix, it looks like an issue at the backend of NHSD. It seems RC1 was subsumed into RC9 when the Trusts consolidated and RC1 is now deprecated. We have a relationship with RC9, I suspect that when the referrals are created, they are related to an old Organisation.
You must be able to still establish relationships with RC1 because it seems clinicians are still in RC1 and can access the referrals.
@will.maw hi - I’ve been discussing with colleagues here at NHSE and we think the issue may be to do with RC1 still being used after it is closed. I need to progress this further at this end to prove it and will get back to you as soon as I can.