A028 - Traige Outcome Request Error - No legitimate relationship with referral

Hi Team,

Currently receiving a strange error when testing against a given referral that I have processed into my test environment.

We are attempting to ‘deny’ the referral to go back to eRS. as far as i can see, i’m using my own user account to do so, however getting an error that says:

  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "issue": [
      "severity": "error",
      "code": "business-rule",
      "details": {
        "coding": [
            "code": "NO_RELATIONSHIP",
            "system": "https://fhir.nhs.uk/STU3/CodeSystem/eRS-APIErrorCode-1",
            "display": "No relationship"
      "diagnostics": "No legitimate relationship with referral (000049798543)."


Is this something that can be checked?


Hi Chris/@integration_uk,

The request with X-Correlation-ID BF3724B3-ED3F-476A-9AAA-ADA3D9E71243 was processed at around 26/02/2025 14:50:07.035. This failed with the error you supplied.

However, it looks like a Review Outcome was successfully recorded (HTTP 200) at 26/02/2025 14:48:22.245 X-Correlation-ID 36A6A4DF-B400-4307-867A-3A58395319E5. Details:

  • “Criteria not met for service This patient does not meet the pain threshold requirement for the physio planned.”

I suspect that the previous successful call removed your open LR with the referral, hence the error.



Hi @adam.oldfield

Thank you for confirming this and sharing the X-Correllation-ID, i’ve also located the transaction that was successful ahead of the secondary message sent.
