I don’t see the ASID, Organisation ODS Code or User ID configured on our side. This is done by @nhserspartners off the back of the email sent in the “API platform configuration” step.
I’m struggling to track down one of your failed requests on our side using your Application ID. Can you provide the X-Correlation-ID of on of your requests so I can trace it?
Thanks @adam.oldfield
Here is another X-Correlation-ID: DDEB6F08-E2F4-11EF-9705-005056B4EE83
I am slightly confused on how this is being classed as invalid access token. We are successfully authenticating with the NHS Developer API which returns this access token. This is then passed onto the eRS API.
In theory all should already be in place but as the respective environments (Intersystems and NHSE INT) are invisible to me, all I can do is ‘do it again’.
I have this morning requested that the App ID is bound to ASID 200000000068 and will update this ticket when it is confirmed back to me that this is complete.
It looks like the request with that correlation ID has the same issue.
You are best speaking with APIM support where they can help you debug the issue.
@andrew.clayton3 are you able to help put Jon in touch with someone at APIM?
@andrew.clayton3 It doesn’t look like the ASID is bound to the Application, however I don’t think this would cause this specific issue. However would cause an issue later down the line. It looks like Jon is wanting to use application-restricted access so will need the additional properties configuring too.
@adam.oldfield hi - I have submitted the binding request. As Yeovil is User Restricted in live I have gone down the User Restricted route (and not App Restricted) when going back to INT. I’ll look back through paperwork re App Restricted. Cheers
We have attempted to run again and still getting a 401 error.
When we connect to the Developer API we get the access token based on CIS2 ID token. So from what i can see this part is working correctly. See JSON payload response from API call:
I have also added an additional service (Booking and Referral FHIR API) to our API just in case it is needed. Can you confirm what is defined below is correct.
From our logs I can see successful requests to get the access token, however it appears that when you call e-RS with the access token I cannot see any authentication metadata coming through that indicates you have authenticated with a smart card.
Please let me know your availability, lets try and arrange a teams call to screen share and go through the issue
Sounds good! Looking at the timeslots I can do Monday 3-5, Tuesday 4-5 or Wednesday 4-5. Once firmed up with your colleagues, please message me your preferred time and email and I’ll send over an invite.