Apigee UI Migration for Teams function within Environment access

Hello all,

We are releasing an update to the teams UI in Digital Onboarding on 6 November from 6PM until 8PM (2023-11-06 18:00-20:00). You will not be able to open the environment access section during this period. You need to be aware:

  • https://portal.developer.nhs.uk will be removed as all functionality will be accessible within Digital Onboarding

  • you will no longer have to log in twice to manage your teams

  • UI will match the rest of Digital Onboarding and Developer Account under the NHS design system, improving accessibility and consistency

  • for technical reasons, we will have to recreate your team apps which will change only the IDs and created dates. After release, update any direct links you may have

  • no existing functionality should be missing

Let us know if you encounter any problems or are unable to do something which you could do before the update.

This sounds like a great step in the migration process!