Accessing Test Integration DQ reports

Hi, Just created an API app to connect to ADS FHIR API in the Integration Test Environment, wondering how do I access the Data Quality Reports to check if the data submitted is successful.

Any assistance is much appreciated.

Hi @waheed.ahmed

Thanks for your query.

Can I confirm are you referring to the Ambulance Data Submission - FHIR API or another API in our catalogue.


Yes to the Ambulance Data Submission - FHIR API

Hi @waheed.ahmed

Can I inquire are you seeking the aggregate data in the Daily Ambulance Collection (DAC), or the record-level Ambulance Data Set (ADS)?


Its the record-level Ambulance Data Set (ADS) i’m after I’ve setup an Integration Test environment to call the FHIR API and sent some test calls just want to see where they are stored on your side i.e. is it in the DAE or somewhere else as its an integration test calls.

Hi @waheed.ahmed

I can confirm it is in the Data Access Environment (DAE).

Kind regards,

Hi @ernest.kissiedu1

Thanks for the info. logged into the DAE but can’t access the DQ table haven’t got permission to do so.

Getting the following message:

user cannot SELECT on table ‘ambulance’.‘rx7_ads_dq’

Hi @ernest.kissiedu1,

This issue is affecting everyone at NWAS including the BI leads as well. Just confirming this incase it wasn’t clear.

Hi @ernest.kissiedu1

Forgot to mention I can access the rest of the tables but not this one ‘ambulance’.‘rx7_ads_dq’