About the Personal Demographics Service - FHIR API

We have a system that is Getting and updating patients information by ODS code and NHS number through 2 systems TPP and EMIS,

Now we want to use Personal Demographics Service - FHIR API to get patient information, so I have some questions as below :

  1. Our current system is linking to more than 100 ODS codes available from hospitals and clinics through TPP/EMIS, so how do we link those 100 ODS codes to get Patient information through Personal Demographics Service - FHIR API ?

  2. I have looked through Digital Onboarding Service, but it seems that I can only register 1 ODS code at a time, is there a faster way to register? I mean 1 time how to add many ODS codes ?

  3. Or is it possible that there is no need to register to link with existing ODS codes, and only need to specify the NHS number to get basic information of any patient if we done onboarding process ?

We are also in the process of completing Section 1 of the PDS digital onboarding. If I understand you correctly, the question you might be looking for is under Confirm you have a valid use case for the PDS FHIR API section.

If you select No under Q3, you should see Q6 and you should be able to select the number of End User Organisations you work with.

I hope that helps.