403:Forbidden. The logged In user Is Not authorised (A005 on DEP)

Hi NHS ers partners. We have just tried a test on the DEP environment. All looks as though it is configured but when we try

  • A005:RetrieveReferralRequest
  • Request = https://dep.api.service.nhs.uk/referrals-dep/FHIR/STU3/ReferralRequest/000049528485
  • eRS Response = 403:Forbidden. The logged In user Is Not authorised To perform the requested action(e.g.due To their business Function Not being authorised, organisation Not having the appropriate organisation role, legitimate relationship, referrer rights etc)
  • xCorrelationId = F9BEEBDB-8A75-F241-BF33-26960FED392F

This would suggest to me that the eRS configuration has not been setup correctly/Fully.

Hi @simon.goodinson,

This looks like a setup issue when configuring the Organisation and User configured for Application Restricted access.

User 655246548106 has no roles at Organisation RVV.

@nhserspartners Looks like this hasn’t been configured correctly. This is for Application ID: f66d85b1-c274-4c24-bba8-02a7ab2244d6



Thanks Adam. that user is me and is stated as the SRO when we are sending in the request. I’ll chase them up