I have reviewed the code relating to the e-RS [authToken] attribute. It seems we set the header for Authorization but not include the word ‘Bearer’.
After amending the code to be the following we have got further:
“Authorization: Bearer [your access token]”
The response now getting is as follows:
Looking at the returned response from eRS API i am now connected but getting the following:
I will get one of my colleagues to review the error message below tomorrow to see if business function, organisation role etc… is correct.
“The logged in user is not authorised to perform the requested action (e.g. due to their business function not being authorised, organisation not having the appropriate organisation role, legitimate relationship, referrer”
I am on leave from tomorrow afternoon until Tuesday so will respond back then depending on our findings but seems we are a step closer now.
I have noticed another thread talking about this: 403:Forbidden. The logged In user Is Not authorised (A005 on DEP)
Has our application been configured correctly against our application ID ff20dedf-6bef-4b83-8455-4cd3bfe5f01a