Unable to get token using signed JWT

Hi Support.

I have encountered an issue while getting a token using a signed token generated via jwt.io, based on the provided header and payload in the documentation. I have attached an image below which depicts the response I received. I attempted to modify the “exp” value with a valid Unix timestamp, but I am unable to identify the root cause of the problem.

I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter.

Thank you.

Hi Sameer,

Thanks for contacting us - I have picked this message up and have asked the question internally, we will be in touch asap.


the message indicates the exp value you set was invalid.

Hi Sameer,

The error message suggests that the exp value has expired.

Furthermore JWT security means that you can not modify the contents of the token (header or payload) without it invalidating the signature being used. A whole new JWT would need generating.

See the following stackoverflow article where a similar question is asked about modifying a JWT’s exp property.
