Subscribe to E-mail Notifications

How do I receive email notifications for the community?

Ensure you are signed up to use the community (Users who are not signed up will not receive email notifications).

Please follow the steps below to ensure your email preferences are set correctly:

  • select your profile icon imagein the top right-hand corner of the screen

  • select the role icon image

  • select the preferences icon. from the dropdown menu image

This will bring up a range of filters, click on ‘Emails’.

  • set your desired preferences.

Don’t forget to Save Changes.

Note: to receive email notifications for ‘watched’ categories and tags, you will need to be logged out from the community.

Note: Ensure notifications are set in your preference settings.

To receive email notifications for interested posts, the following settings should be enabled:

  • go back to home page and click on the category of choice.

  • click on the Alarm Icon on the top right and click on watching.

  • go back to the first three [3] steps and click on tracking - this should be your view

Congratulations! You are subscribed.