Seeking for a solution to fetch the filtrate data for different contractor types

We are TIF Framework partner of NHS we are seeking for a solution to fetch the filtrate data for different contractor types a) Community Pharmacy, b) Appliance Contractor, C) Dispensing Doctor.

Right now, we are using this API in order to fetch data however, it provides us mix data for each contractor types instead of segregated data like for pharmacy it should fetch only pharmacy data.

Please suggest.

You can limit the response using the ods-org-role parameter to just the role id’s you are interested in.

The role id’s for Pharmacy (182) and appliance contractor (94) can be included in the same parameter, separated by a comma.

We have a list of all the role Ids in the ODSAPI-OrganisationRole-1 CodeSystem:


curl -X GET \

-H “accept: application/fhir+json”

Please see our Open API Specification for more details:

Organisation Data Service - FHIR API - NHS England Digital

ODS do not publish data for Dispensing Doctors.


Thanks Reeves for your prompt response. We are all good with the Pharmacy and Appliance contractor, however, we have further question that we wish to show the filter for nominated pharmacy for the target audience, can you please suggest on it? Please assist.

Looking for your valuable assistance.

I’m not sure this is what you are after, but the only other data I think ODS can provide is the commissioning ICB per pharmacy. This would enable you to group pharmacies into ICB area. You would need to query the RE4 (Is Commissioned By) relationship with an ‘Active’ status within each pharmacy record, and the Target OrgID (extension) would show the ICB code. I can’t advise of any other method to identify a ‘nominated’ pharmacy I’m afraid.

Thanks Reeve for your prompt response. I am sorry for being late. I was supposed to bring up you that we are seeking for Organisation Role ID for dispensing site. I would appreciate if you could facilitate this instrumental information as per your earliest convenience accordingly.

Looking forward to your positive response.

We have 3 tiers/primary role IDs that relate to Pharmacy:
Pharmacy Headquarters (RO181)
Pharmacy/Dispensaries (RO182)
Pharmacy Sites (RO280)

ODS source the pharmacy/dispensary RO182 data from the NHS Business Services Authority, and these are defined as the dispensing sites. Each dispensary is linked to an owning/operating HQ organisation by ODS.

The RO280 Pharmacy Site data was created/published specifically to support COVID vaccinations being administered by pharmacies.

Thanks @laura.reeves for this supporting Information…