Reasonable Adjustments API queries

I’ve been trying to contact without success. Can a NHS colleague here please help?

The requirements specification for NHS information standard [DAPB4019: Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag] states that;

7.4. Key requirements – IT systems - Detailed guidance on the specific integration requirements for IT systems is provided in a separate Integration Requirements Specification.

Please can I be provided with the appropriate resource that is the Integration Requirements Specification.

The specification also states;

Design: Safety and accessibility - Systems used for the recording of individuals’ disability and Reasonable Adjustment requirement SHOULD be designed and built with consideration for the clinical safety risks identified in the Clinical Safety Case published alongside this Specification.

The Clinical Safety Case does not appear alongside the specification as published on the NHS Digital website. Please can it be clarified where the Clinical Safety Case is published.

Hi Stuart,

I will get this sent out to you. Apologies for the delay in picking this up.

Kind Regards, Clare.

Hi Clare - did i miss you sending this through?

Hi Stuart,

The latest Integration Requirements should be with you now.

I understand the availability of the Clinical Safety Case is linked to First of Type activity which has not yet completed for RA Flag.