IM1 Partner API (EMIS only)


I need help in Server Based API can anybody guide me on how I can start this in Python any technical doc or GitHub link would be very helpful for me.


Not sure if this helps, but the following forum post has information on IM1 Partner API that may assist you:-

Where can I find the documentation for Interface Mechanism 1 (IM1) EMIS PFS - JSON api - General enquiries - NHS England Developer Community

If not please reply back in here and try to supply as much info for your request as they may help to generate more replies to the question.

Thank you @Andy I will check this post :slight_smile:

Is this the practitioner (server) or patient facing API?

I’m limited by what I can say by EMIS/TPP confidentiality agreements but roughly my approach to all four API’s was.

Get the schema’s and use IDE tools to convert to classes (in my case java).

I then tackled the query parts of these API’s, this was mainly to get medical record examples. The examples from the API’s themselves will differ from the documentation.

The entities/classes are not well documented and to a certain extent require some healthcare experience to understand.

p.s. I facaded all four API’s to the same FHIR based model, we did this because we only wanted our developers to understand one model.

@kevin.mayfield1 I’m currently working with Practitioner (Server) APIs for a web-based application. Unfortunately, the technical documentation they provided is poorly structured and difficult to understand. Could you offer any guidance or resources that might help?

Thank you for your reply

Have you looked at Emis Web API GetMedicationIssues on PatientAcessEMISWEBV4_3 - open forum -

I think several EMIS IM1 questions have been answered on that forum.