Hi there.
I have an app which uses the Personal Demographics Service as follows:
- App ID is
- Application-Restricted (Integration Testing) API is connected
- Public/private keys generated as per the instructions here
- Public key hosted by the NHS
But when I try to authenticate, I get a 401 error:
Invalid 'kid' header in client_assertion JWT - no matching public key
I’ve checked that the KID is correct, the JWT is valid and the public/private keys are verified (both checked using https://jwt.io). Any idea what the problem might be?
Have you added the public key url and uploaded a json format of public key to the application?
Also can you confirm the key pair was generated as RS512 algorithm.
Hi Damon. Yes to all these:
Public/private keys were generated using openssl
according to the instructions I linked to above, which (I assume) use RS512
Public key is uploaded to the ‘Public key URL’ part of the Security Details, and can be seen here
Problem is resolved. It turns out there was a subtle error in my setup (tiny typo in the KID name used for local testing). I thought there must be somewhere, but just missed it.