A010 - 403 Error (Int environment)


I Wonder if anyone can help with this. I’m getting a 403 (forbidden) error hitting the A010 endpoint in INT.

The x-correlation-id is 73c8ff10-9668-4ebc-a195-b17b24d7ee03.

POST https://int.api.service.nhs.uk/referrals/FHIR/STU3/HealthcareService/$ers.searchHealthcareServicesForPatient
accept: application/fhir+json
authorization: Bearer {{token}}
content-type: application/fhir+json
nhsd-end-user-organisation-ods: B85368
nhsd-ers-business-function: REFERRING_CLINICIAN
x-correlation-id: 73c8ff10-9668-4ebc-a195-b17b24d7ee03

However, I am able to get a response from the A030 endpoint, but I think that suggests what I’m missing are the required business functions against my user.

“id”: “0ed70db2-b55f-43be-b1fb-07b0c90fa8f3”,
“resourceType”: “Bundle”,
“meta”: {
“lastUpdated”: “2024-07-23T15:58:05.571Z”,
“profile”: [
“type”: “searchset”,
“total”: 0,
“timestamp”: “2024-07-23T15:58:05.571Z”,
“link”: [
“relation”: “self”,
“url”: “https://int.api.service.nhs.uk/referrals/FHIR/R4/PractitionerRole

Does that sound correct? and if so how do I get them setup? We’ve tried adding the roles to my user (Nb. I’m accessing the system with a Security Key rather than a Smartcard).

Update: the roles including REFERRING_CLINICIAN are now coming through on the A030 request. However, I’m still getting the 403 against the A010 request.

It’s now actually working now those roles have been added.

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