403 on A012 INT

I’m not sure if this is the correct forum for this query, but here goes:

We’re trying to call A012 on eRS INT, but we are getting a 403 - Forbidden response. We are using the same authorisation code for all the other User restricted APIs so we’re not sure why we are getting 403s for A012. Are we setup for A012?

An xcorrelationId is: A5156885-497D-B946-9BDE-37C3E5233B07

Hi @jim.brock,

It looks like you are calling A012 - Maintain referral letter as a SERVICE_PROVIDER_CLINICIAN. A012 is only currently available for:


In the e-RS a provider can maintain the referral letter, but only when the referral is an onward referral - in this scenario the provider is acting as the referrer.



I missed that!

But the provider can upload documents as part of the A028 - Record Triage Outcome? Why can’t they just upload documents? I guess that’s more of an Advice and Guidance use case.

Anyway, thanks for the answer.

No problem @jim.brock.

To add a little more context. The e-RS has a number of different categories of documents that are used is different parts of the business workflow. The main types being referrer, provider (+ triage) and advice.

Essentially any role can upload a file using A020 - Upload file to document store but when you associate a file to a request you do so under a specific category which requires a specific role.

For example: