A005/A024 Not providing up to date data

We are using the A005/A024 endpoints to retrieve data regarding referrals and advice & guidances. Recently, we updated a service name which some work items were linked to. However, when using the endpoints to pull the fresh data for these work items, the endpoints still provide the old service names.

Why would this happen and is there a way to retrieve the updated name for this service?

Hello @ankur.mahto,

Depending on the attribute being used to retrieve the service name, the name included could be the name of the service at the time the request was shortlisted (if retrieving the service name from the request’s associated shortlist for example). Due to this, for the most up-to-date service information, I’d recommend retrieving the service itself via the A033 - Retrieve healthcare service endpoint and retrieving the service name from there.


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Hi @jack.wainwright1 ,

If we were to include this API call as part of our system that we are using in either INT or PROD, would we need to reissue a SCAL?


In answer to your original question, e-RS maintains a historic record in such scenarios as that was correct at the time the service was selected and shortlisted. So the shortlist attribute in A005 will retain the old service name for reference.

Have you checked the A&G worklist (A023) to see if the new service name is available there?