What is Summary Care Record - FHIR API (SCR FHIR API)

The SCR is an electronic record of important patient information, created from GP medical records. It can be seen and used by authorised staff in other areas of the health and care system involved in the patient’s direct care.

The primary means by which the SCR is updated is the “GP Summary Upload”. When certain data items are changed in the GP patient record, these changes are “pushed” to the central SCR repository via the GP Summary upload

The core elements of this upload are:

  • medicines you are taking
  • allergies you suffer from
  • any bad reactions to medicines. (“adverse reactions”)

When a change is made to the patient’s GP Practice record, it triggers a replacement Summary Care Record document to be sent to Spine. Spine treats this document as an immutable object and stores it unchanged in Spine clinicals.

Reading the latest SCR:
This latest summary can be seen by suitable authorised staff using a number of means - currently the primary means of viewing a patient’s SCR record is via the Summary Care Record Application (SCRa).

The SCR FHIR API also enables a client system to download the latest summary care record document from Spine.

Use this API to access or update a patient’s Summary Care Record (SCR)- an electronic record of important patient information, created from GP medical records. SCRs can be seen and used by authorised staff in other areas of the health and care system involved in the patient’s direct care.

Also use this API to update a patient’s consent to share their SCR, and to raise a privacy alert where you have to override a patient’s dissent to share their SCR in certain circumstances.

You can:

  • get a patient’s SCR identifier
  • get a patient’s SCR
  • upload a patient’s SCR
  • send a privacy alert message, if you have to override a patient’s dissent to view their SCR
  • update a patient’s consent to share their SCR

Further information, support and guidance can be found here

Coincidentally, we’ve updated the SCR FHIR API spec page today to clarify when and who can use it, see:

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