Seeking for guidlines for Creating slots

We are TIF Framework partner of NHS and we need to create slot and publish.

I would appreciate if anyone could suggest is there any API to create slot and publish?

Please assist.

Is that create a feed of appointment slots? Maybe using a pub/sub type of interface?

Thanks for your prompt response. I’m referring to create a feed or session for appointment. I am sorry, however, I didn’t mean pub/sub type of interface.
please let me know if you need any further information.

The list I have is mostly around querying for appointments

IHE ITI Scheduling: 1:55. Profile Home - IHE ITI Scheduling v0.8.0-current (

BARS Booking and Referral Standard - NHS England Digital

PRSB Core Information Standard (Appointments Heading): Core Information Standard – PRSB (

HL7v2 SRM (request), SRR (response), SIU (event notification): SRM S01 - Schedule request - New appointment booking Trigger Event (HL7 v2.5.1) (

If you want to do an appointment feed, read the guidance around FHIR Appointment here

Is a UK set of data rules/guidance on top of that which can be found here

I would pay attention to comments in the FHIR spec regarding iCalendar format and also the default is moving towards querying for data.

Thanks kevin, kindly allow me to review provided detail once.