SDS FHIR API: Need Test data for Sandbox env to fetch ASID based on ODS code

Hi team,

We are planning to integrate with GP Connect APIs( starting with Access record HTML interface). For the same, There is pre requisite to fetch the provider ASID based on GP ODS code retrieved from PDS service and it needs to pass then in Ssp-To header of GP Connect APIs.

Now for getting ASID, I found there is Spine Directory Service FHIR API available with /Device endpoint. Hope this is teh valid API to use for this functionality.

Link: Spine Directory Service - FHIR API - NHS Digital

But in the documentation of this API, no working postman collection is given with any valid test data.
Could someone please help me to get the working postman collection OR the sample test data that I can use for sandbox and int environment.

Also is it fine to integrate with this API first prior to connecting with GP Connect API for the patient care record.

Hope we don’t need to do separate onboarding for SDS FHIR API.

Please confirm.

Hi Gaurav,

Thank you for getting in touch.

Regarding your query about onboarding, the guidance on SDS FHIR (the link you shared) advises:
“There is no separate onboarding process for the SDS FHIR API. Onboarding will be dictated by the current processes of the API that consumes the SDS FHIR API, for example GP Connect. Once approval has been granted to use the API that utilises the SDS FHIR API then production access can be granted.”

Have you had approval to use the GP Connect API?

Hi Haroon,

Yes, we do have approval to use the GP connect API.
I mean to say we are in process of the doing online on boarding for GP connect API. But this case is already presented to NHS team that we would use the GP Connect API.

What about my other query:
“Could someone please help me to get the working postman collection OR the sample test data that I can use for sandbox and int environment.?”

Gaurav Chauhan

Hi Gaurav,

I’m looking into that, i’ll get back to you as soon as I find the colleague best placed to answer.

Thank you for your patience.

Hi Gaurav,

Thank you for your patience while we have been investigating.

The support team have advised:
If all you want is test endpoint to try and get back the SDS info with the API, in the past we have offered users this endpoint in the INT environment:

ODS Code 5ma
ASID 200000001209

If you want something else, you should get in touch with


Hi Haroon,

Does it mean that I cannot make queries on sandbox env ?
Do I need to directly use int env? If yes, May I know the procedure to connect with int env as it is not mentioned in the documentation. e.g. Do I need to use a signed JWT authentication method to access the same?

Or Should I ask all my queries by dropping an email to

Gaurav Chauhan

Hi Gaurav,

Yes please direct these queries to as they’re best placed to advise on this.
Thank you
